Our keynote speaker Magnus Lindkvist is a trendspotter. He challenges audiences to pose new questions, shake things up and change their thinking.
Keynote speakers är trendspanaren Magnus Lindkvist och innovationsgurun och Forbes-medarbetaren Haydn Shaughnessy. Övriga talare är
Magnus Lindkvist. “It's the most crazy thing I've ever been a part of.” Stephen Miller. Co-Founder of Fyusion. Speakers.
A. Ansvarig utgivare: Magnus Lindkvist magnus megafonen. Våran allas fnia speaker har slängt ihop en rapp med rim för att ge en snabb sammanfattning på vad Evert Lindkvist (fastighetsskötaren) Christian Fiedler (resumé speaker) Manus och Becker Karl Martindahl Programledare: Mela Tesfazion Magnus Carlsson följden av ett fortsatt utbrett distansarbete, tror trendspanaren Magnus Lindkvist. O they will speak in new tongues; P 18 they will pick up snakes Q with their Speakers will include Ralph Knoll, AstraZeneca, Thomas Jostock, Novartis Pharma, Louise Warme, MD, Investment Manager, ALMI Invest, Magnus Lindkvist, Medlemmar: Thomas ”Linton” Lindkvist – sång och gitarr och sång, Magnus Fridh – sång och gitarr, Tomas Samuelsson Gruppen Speaker. av P Nilsson · 2003 · Citerat av 26 — in forskningsfältet pedagogik i arbetslivet är från mitten 1970-talet. Magnus teori återfinns hos Abrahamsson & Andersen (2000), Bakka, Fivelsdal & Lindkvist (1988), Czarniawska find the ”freedom” of which they so frequently speak.88 efter att ha kontrakterats av brittiska Celebrity Speakers för mitt internationella arbete.
Ansvarig utgivare: Magnus Lindkvist | magnus@megafonen.nu fler och fler uppdrag som speaker eller konferencier och han är förväntansfull
Contact the "UK's leading speaker bureau" (FT) for conference, motivational, after dinner speakers, presenters & performers. Book Magnus Lindkvist at JLA. Magnus Lindkvist is a trendspotting futurologist and author who weaves together important current trends to forecast what life, society and business might look like in the future. It is the fantastic timing, storytelling and politically incorrect humour that keep the audience – a global audience – laughing and talking well after his talk ends. Magnus Lindkvist is a futurologist who weaves together the most important and exciting current trends to forecast what life, society and business might look like in the future.
Speakersnet AB. Stora Nygatan 7, 111 27 Stockholm · Ebony T:r AB. Stora Nygatan 7 Magnus Lindkvist AB. Stora Nygatan 7, 111 27 Stockholm · Volante AB.
Robin Robins Keynote Speaker. Magnus Lindkvist Keynote Speaker. DattoCon Mystery Speaker Keynote Speaker.
Magnus Lindkvist. Magnus Lindkvist is one of the most sought-after speakers globally on the subjects of trends, trendspotting and future possibilities.
Lidnersgatan 7
As a writer, Magnus Lindkvist is driven by a relentless curiosity about our mental space where the outside world collides with the human brain. His book Minifesto(2016) tells us why small ideas matter in the world of grand narratives. Luckily, there are experts such as Magnus Lindkvist, a foremost trend forecaster who shares his knowledge not only via consulting, but through engaging and inspiring speaking and workshops.
Internationella talare Karl-Magnus Spiik · Pranav Mistry Magnus Lindkvist · Larry Hochman
Ansvarig utgivare: Magnus Lindkvist | magnus@megafonen.nu fler och fler uppdrag som speaker eller konferencier och han är förväntansfull
Magnus Lindkvist · Maria Strømme · Mattias Ribbing · Micael Dahlén · Milad Mohammadi · Mona Sahlin · Morten Brandt · Mustafa Can. Tillbaka till toppen
Född 1949. Hela min akademiska grund- och forskarutbildning skedde vid Uppsala Universitet. Jag har tidigare undervisat vid bland annat Åbo Akademi och
Alf Rehn, internationallyrecognized business thinker, author and speaker, discussed how to build
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Luckily, there are experts such as Magnus Lindkvist, a foremost trend forecaster who shares his knowledge not only via consulting, but through engaging and inspiring speaking and workshops. His legendary ability to help future-proof business plans has seen him become one of the most sought-after speakers in the world. Current / Past Roles & Positions
Current / Past Roles & Positions Magnus Lindkvist is a trendspotter and futurologist who weaves together the most important and exciting current trends to forecast what life, society and business might look like in the future. With a uniquely energetic speaking style, his talks are a multimedia-infused boost of intellectual… Magnus Lindkvist is a Swedish trendspotter and futurologist based in Zürich, Switzerland.